Susan's Designs » Drapery & Home Decorating

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  • nesting creatively

    Welcome to my showcase of design ideas and inspiration for custom home décor, flattering window treatments and other soft furnishings. I have been blessed by being invited into many beautiful homes and meeting the nicest people. I am among the fortunate few who truly enjoy a fulfilling and rewarding profession. Thank you for looking at my work.

Have you thought about remodeling your kitchen.  It’s not an easy task,  your family’s life may be disrupted  and there are so many details to consider.

Betsy Rackliffe, the smiling eclectic designer of OpenDesibetsy rackliffegn, has some wonderful insights into kitchen remodeling that you won’t want to miss if you or anyone you know has this project in their future.  She says:

“Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and remodel the kitchen. We have all heard the tales about how awful it was before. How long the construction took. And the worst, how much over budget it went.  Don’t fret; there is good news! Not everyone’s remodel went like that. Here are some tips that might make it easier for you when you do yours.

  • Before you start, cut out pictures in magazines of kitchens you like. Cut out pictures of everything you like. You will find similarities among the pictures, and those will lead you to a kitchen you like.
  • Think about how you are going to use the cabinets. What are you going to put in each cabinet? There are many storage gizmos now to utilize the entire cabinet where on space is wasted. There are features that are make specific tasks easier, like a build in mixer stand, a cabinet designed for your can goods, or a place to put the recycling.  Most companies offer them at the time of manufacturing. There are also companies that sell after-market units for ease modification later.
  • Finish off your cabinets with the extra details. They are the kitchen’s version of dotting your i’s and crossing your t’s.  Get the crown molding for the tops of your cabinets, even if they go all the way to the ceiling. Install the light rail along the bottom of the upper cabinets; this will also hide the under-cabinet lighting. Finish the exposed sides of the cabinets including the side of your refrigerator. Make sure you even select the perfect knobs.

These are some ideas to get your juices flowing. Don’t rush into this project until you spend some time thinking about your space. They say the kitchen is the heart of the home. Make yours memorable and functional.

Meet the people who will help you in my next posting… to be continued…”

flat valance with jabotsIn this two story family room a valance was created to span across all three windows with long jabots at each end to frame the outside view and shorter jabots between the windows to break the long span and add interest.  A stripped banding, cut on the bias, trims the entire valance.  This dark shade of chocolate brown is a perfect contrast to the bright walls and a great balance for the tall ceilings.

blue sweats

Start with a blue sweat suit, a yellow ball cap, 3 yards of  lightweight blue fabric,
1/8 yard of white fabric, 1/2 yard of yellow felt, two 2″ styrofoam balls, black puffy paint

twitter logo

Trace out the Twitter logo onto the white fabric, cut it out, pin and sew it to the center front of the shirt
Trace along the outside edge of the word with the puffy paint.


Cut out teardrop shapes to form feathers from the blue fabric


Attach the feathers along the bottom edge of the shirt overlapping side to side and top to bottom.

twitter bird costume

Be sure not to cover the Twitter logo.

ball cap redesigned

Attach feathers to the ball cap, using larger feathers along the bottom and smaller ones closer to the beak.

twitter bird head

Paint eyes on the styrofoam balls and glue them onto the beak.

twitter bird feet

Cut bird feet from the yellow felt and attach them onto the pant legs.

twitter bird costume

Twitter Bird costume

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  • kim gellmanMay 3, 2010 - 11:35 pm

    This is too cute! How appropriate for all of the twitter lovers out there. Wish it was halloween!

  • IoannaFebruary 9, 2011 - 10:03 am

    Thank you, thank you thank you for the great idea 🙂 Here, in Greece we have next week our halloween and i was searching an idea for a twitter costume, when a friend sent me your site. Thank you again. I will send you a pic from the party 🙂

  • […] bird costume […]

  • megMarch 15, 2023 - 10:35 am

    WIOWOW i love this tweeter burd