The cafe curtains give this dinette the privacy it needs.
.Notice the banding along the top and bottom edge match the inset of the pleats on the valance.
A wide custom fringe adds to the detail.
These cafe curtains are custom made with much detail. There is contrast banding, contrast within each pleat, trim applied. The size of your window, what fabric you choose, what trim you may like – these all affect the cost of the window treatment. Please feel free to contact me direct and we can discuss this further. Thanks
Danette MelchonneOctober 17, 2013 - 10:27 am
Can you please contact me about the above curtains. I’m inquiring on a price for the valance and cafe for a 96 inch span over three windows.
by Susan Dorbeck
How much are the custom cafe curtains shown above?
These cafe curtains are custom made with much detail. There is contrast banding, contrast within each pleat, trim applied. The size of your window, what fabric you choose, what trim you may like – these all affect the cost of the window treatment. Please feel free to contact me direct and we can discuss this further. Thanks
Can you please contact me about the above curtains. I’m inquiring on a price for the valance and cafe for a 96 inch span over three windows.
How much for the valence?
Thank you