Tall windows need not be intimidating when deciding on that perfect window treatment. Consider an elevated approach to your window design, bringing your eye up into the room and accenting the architectural aspect of the windows. Most windows used in tall ceiling rooms have a top portion and a lower portion, or some structural division between the top and bottom of the window. Often, the lower portion of the window is the only section which would require a functional window treatment, like these Silhouette shades, allowing privacy and light control. The upper portion is usually left open, as there is no need for privacy that high, and it allows the natural light to shine in.
A floral drapery panel hangs from the top of the window in just the corner, this softens the hard architectural edge of the windows and visually creates one window from two separate windows. The panel is strategically gathered at the division between the upper and lower window. A covered board in an accent fabric allows a swag to be attached with covered buttons. The french pick up swag is lined and corded with the same solid fabric used on the buttons. By wrapping the swag from one window to the next, you soften the turn. By mixing a floral, a small print and solid fabric, of the same hues, you create a cohesive window treatment that has great visual impact. So don’t let those tall corner windows overwhelm you, by following these simple cues, you can take your windows to new heights.

by Susan Dorbeck