When selecting fabric for your window treatments, it is important not only to consider colors, texture and design, but pattern repeat and how that helps determine the style that works best.
The color and updated pattern on the fabric selection for this bay window was perfect. The pattern motif and repeat posed a challenge, limiting the styles possible for the window design. The solution a tailored, roman valance. A roman valance is pleated horizontally giving a modern, contemporary look.
The valance was hung directly onto the box out above the windows, keeping the view out the window open. A smaller version of the valance was then hung directly on the front of the door, allowing the door to remain functional. Matching the pattern was key to this window design. Notice how the pattern meets perfectly, creating an exact match, giving the illusion that the pleats do not even exist. With careful design and selection your windows have met their match.

by Susan Dorbeck