This bedroom uses the right material and a little creativity to create a serene retreat. The choice of materials is key to the room’s success. Coordinating fabrics are used on both the bedding and window treatments.
The custom reversible duvet cover uses a small cream and black check fabric for the reverse side and is corded with that same fabric run on the bias. The main duvetĀ fabric is a subtle print that was also used on the simple curved, sheered valance used to soften the horizontal blinds.
A larger check pattern like the underside of the duvet cover is used on the two back euro pillows. Two of the remaining pillow sets use a floral pattern that is cleverly used on a coordinating Sheffield valance in the bathroom. The floral pillows are trimmed in the fabric used on the center smaller accent pillow. Two small bolster pillows round out the ensemble with a subtle stripe.
A simple curved bottom is used on the bathroom Sheffield valance, giving a feminine touch to the window treatment.
Together the variety of fabrics create a coordinating sanctuary. By using a few select fabrics on both the bedding and the window treatment you create two different surfaces that blend together as one harmonious room.

by Susan Dorbeck