There is a lot going on with this fabric. First the check, the multi colors, the squiggly lines. It is best to keep the style simple and let the fabric speak for itself. A flat cornice or boxed pleated in the corners as shown here are the best solution.

by Susan Dorbeck
I love these! The pattern of fabric is a tad dated, but looking at them on the wall, they are great and current! You are so remarkable!
This room is so wonderfully bright and your valance are just the right set off for it. Your work always amazes me.
Where do I find instructions for this pleated valance. I have fabric available but didn’t know what I wanted. Did not want anything fussy. Saw something like this at my dentist office. I am going to need to add a contrast trim on my fabric so it doesn’t blend into my walls to much. Also have a dilemna on how to hang. Do you use “rods”. Have one window that would be very tight so would perfer “hidden” hangers.