A frantic call came in recently. I had just installed some beautiful 2 story drapery panels and the homeowner was in a panic. Her 3 year old daughter had just discovered scissors and was quietly doing her crafts. “Quietly” is the key word here. She used her child safety scissors, you know the ones with the rounded ends, and cut a perfect – I mean perfect – 3″ diameter hole just a foot and a half off the floor. A good 3 year old height. Could I please help, was there anything I could do?
A patch was out of the question, it was such a tiny check that it could not be matched. I was able to help though. I cut the panel from top to bottom right where the middle of the hole was then ran a seam all the way up. We lost about 4″ in the width of the drapes but no one was the wiser and they looked like new again.
Everyone was happy once again and the craft table was moved to the other end of the room far away from the drapes.

by Susan Dorbeck