I love a swag in a bay window – it frames the window and the view. In this room the jabot visually follows the casement window divisions. There is a few inches of drywall above the window casings but these swags were hung at the ceiling to give a clean uniform look.

by Susan Dorbeck
Hello Ms. Dorbeck
I have a projector screen in my basement amd i am trying to do the theather blinds over my projector. I a swags and jabots on my valance to go over my blinds.
Thank you,
Christina Abange
I would love to have these swags and jabots in a Waverly fabric of my choice. Do you do that or do you have directions on how to sew them.
I have two bay windows just like the one in the picture. Would like them in some sort of neutral fabric that would go with any color. What do you suggest. I plan to put blinds under them for privacy.